Better applications for funding

Our experience has taught us that an internal review before submitting a grant proposal is not only very helpful but also often necessary to create a competitive application. At the Department of Biomedicine, we have appointed a fundraiser to assist all staff with the preparation of grant proposals, both formally and scientifically. The following internal guidelines apply:

Major applications

All grant proposals exceeding a funding amount of 1 million DKK have to pass an internal review. Please contact the Department’s fundraiser and the Head of Dept. and inform them about your intention to submit an application. The internal review is meant to support scientific staff at our Department. It is not meant to replace the support provided by AU’s Research Support Office, but to complement it at a level closer to the applicant.

EU foundations

The new Horizon Europe framework has commenced in 2021. Any proposal that is prepared under this framework (ERC, Marie Curie, RIA) will require the involvement of the Research Support Office, both for self-initiated applications as well as those encouraged by the Department. 


One of the most important factors that affect the quality of a grant proposal is a solid preparation time management. The Department’s fundraiser will help you with staying on track throughout the preparation time. For large grants, exceeding 1 million DKK, please stick to our internal schedule in order to receive optimal support. 

Remember, when preparing any proposal exceeding 100.000 DKK, register it in AU’s ReAp, where all grant applications are recorded. And, contact the Department’s fundraiser and the Department’s head well in advance before preparing your grant proposal. You can find an overview of the most important deadlines in our regularly updated chart: Annual schedule for foundation deadlines

Register your grant application in ReAp

All departments except for the department of Clinical Medicine currently require registration.

What is ReAp?

ReAp (Research Applications) is an online system for registering grant applications.

Why should I register grant applications?

It is a requirement from AU's audit, but registration also provides institute leaders with an overview of the institute's applications.

When you register grant applications, you contribute to providing:

  • an important overview of the institute's future financial situation 
  • information about success rates with various funds

It is helpful for both institute management, the finance department, yourself, and your colleagues.

Which applications should you register?

All grant applications must be registered, regardless of the amount requested.

You should register in ReAp when you:

  1. create a new application
  2. have received a response to your application (both approval and rejection)

Help with ReAp

Guidelines for ReAp (PDF)

Contact the secretariat leader at your institute if you need assistance.

Thank you for registering your grant application.

See also

Special information for PhD students

PhD students and researchers below assistant professor and postdoc level must use the supervisors to ensure the quality of research applications. In addition, they are encouraged to make use of these offers:

In exceptional cases, if there is an application from a PhD student with major strategic importance for the department, the department head can contact the Research Support Office and make a special agreement.