Lecturer: Rodrigo Grassi-Oliveira - Title: Cross-Species Insights into Prefrontal Cortex-Derived Extracellular Vesicles and Substance Use Disorder
Dear colleagues,
We are looking forward to welcoming you to the next annual meeting in The Food and Nutrition Network on April 2nd, 2025.
As usual…
Autoimmunity and Pregnancy – How the Maternal Immune System Affects the Fetus
Are you student, staff or researcher and interested in becoming an entrepreneur? Would you like to be part of a supportive community, where knowledge…
A study from Aarhus University could be a step towards safer medications without serious side effects, researchers suggest.
The Research Year gives students an opportunity to gain experience with research. However, the pay has not kept up with the times, and it is time to…
Great opportunities, new collaborations. DKK 313 million can go a long way. Read about the vision behind the new centre, where research will focus on…
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