The Department Forum consists of the head of Department, 6 VIP representatives, 6 TAP representatives, 1 PhD representative and 1 student representative. All representatives are elected members. The Department Forum meets four times a year to discuss current issues in relation to the Department. As a general rule, all departmental matters can be discussed at the meetings. Minutes of the meetings are presented to the members for approval prior to the following meeting and subsequently filed on the Departmen's website.
Rules of Procedure (in Danish)
Thomas G. Jensen
Anette Thomsen, Anne Flensborg, Annette Gudmann Hansen, Dorte Hermansen, Gitte Fynbo Biller, Thea Thougaard Johansen
Marina Ramero-Ramos (næstformand), Lone Sunde, Steen Vang Petersen og Jeppe Prætorius, Martin Roelsgaard Jakobsen, Janne Lebeck
The Education Committee is composed of the Department's deputy heads who are responsible for teaching (Chairman) and the team leaders of the 7 instruction teams.
The Liaison Committee consists of the following members:
Management representatives
Employee representatives
Bettina Winther Grumsen; Paw Finderup Hvid Vinther; Anne Flensborg; Helle Hasager Damkier; Bjarke Brix, Per Qvist
Approx. 4 annual meetings.