The entire Skou building is covered by a fully integrated automatic fire system, which is connected to the East Jutland Fire Service. If there are any errors or alerts in the building, the fire service will receive this immediately, as well as building services.
All rooms are equipped with optical fire detectors, including all offices.
This means that you CANNOT use candles in the building during festive seasons, as this will set the alarm off.
If you want subdued and cosy lighting, LED lights can be recommended. A false alarm costs approx. DKK 7,000. We try to keep these alerts to a minimum.
Kitchenettes have thermal detectors fitted. In other words, toasting of bread, heating/cooking of food must take place in the kitchenettes so we can avoid that e.g. smoke from a piece of toasted bread sets off the optical detectors.
In addition, the entire building is covered by a sprinkler system. Both below and above the submerged ceilings, with the exception of individual rooms, where there is an inergen facility.
The sprinkler system is water-filled and starts immediately when the room temperature exceeds 68 degrees, where a pulp melts and the water comes out at a high pressure.
The Inergen facilities are in the -80 C freezer room and in the storeroom in building 1116, room 550.
Inergen is a mixed gas consisting of 52% nitrogen, 40% argon and 8% CO2. The facilities are dimensioned to lower the oxygen level from 20.9% to 11%, whereby fires are suffocated due to lack of oxygen.
Inergen facilities are safer than CO2 facilities, as you avoid having to react extra quickly to an unintentional incident, where an extinguishing system has been activated by mistake.
If you find yourself in the storeroom 550 or in the –80C room and the facility is activated, you must stay calm and leave the room at a steady pace. Due to the "low" CO2 content in the Inergen bottles, you have time to react before the oxygen level decreases.