The Department of Biomedicine offers technical and administrative staff the opportunity to apply for funding to attend courses, academic meetings, and conferences.
To apply, please use the application form located on the right side of this page. Applications are accepted only within the designated deadlines and will be processed within approximately 7 working days after the application period closes.
Application Deadlines
Before applying, it is expected that the applicant has discussed the activity with his/her immediate supervisor and received their approval. Additionally, if the activity involves travel, AU's guidelines for Green Transport should be followed.
When prioritising applications, consideration is given to whether the employee has previously received funding from the department. The expected professional and personal benefits of the course for the applicant will also be assessed, both in relation to the applicant's current role and the department's current need for competencies.
To the extent possible, applicants are encouraged to apply to the State Sector Competence Fund or similar funding sources (see the link on the right side of the page). If an applicant receives funding from the State Sector Competence Fund or another external source, the application to the department should be withdrawn.
Applications are evaluated by the Department’s Technical-Administrative Staff Competency Committee, appointed by the Head of Department.
The committee is composed of the following members: Anders Heuck, Inger Marie Agerskov Bro, Inger Merete S. Poulsen and Jeannette Madsen.
The committee’s recommendations will be reviewed by the Head of Department, who will make the final decision.