
Travel booking, expense reimbursement, AU credit card

  • Travel & expense reimbursement
  • Guidelines for travel coverage (Danish)
  • Carlson Wagonlit Travel login
    Contact CWT's travel agents:
    Tlf.: +45 33 63 77 44
  • AU credit card
    Credit cards may be issued to all of the university’s full-time staff (staff with a weekly number of hours of 18.5 or more), including PhD students who have a regular need for the use of such a card. The credit card can be used as a method of payment for official expenses during travel, for smaller purchases (expenses) on behalf of the university where electronic invoicing of suppliers is not possible, and for special purchases on the Internet..
    You apply personally for a credit card by clicking on APPLY FOR A NEW CREDIT CARD. From here you click on the orange link in the upper right corner of the page. When you have filled in the information required, your application is automatically forwarded to the designated approver  of the Department.

Guidelines for travel applications

The Travel Account can be applied for funding of travels in regard to courses, degree programmes and congresses mainly abroad.
The Travel Account can be applied for by the following categories of academic staff employed at the Department of Biomedicine including externally funded staff: PhD, postdocs, assistant professors, associate professors, professors.

Expense coverage practice (VIP, TAP) 

Preparing application and prioritisation criteria

  • The application form must be used, and all fields must be completed. Detailed programme of the event and other relevant documentation (abstract, work plan, etc) should be attached.
  • The applications are submitted as one continuous pdf file via email to
  • Applications received after the deadline or incomplete will not be considered.
  • When prioritizing the applicants, the extent to which the applicant has previously received travel support is taken into consideration. A maximum of one supported trip per year per applicant should be expected.
  • Travel abroad is given higher priority than travel in Denmark.
  • Study trips are prioritized higher than congress trips. Course trips are prioritized last.
  • If several people apply for the same study, congress or presentation of the same abstract and the like, each individual's role must be explained.
  • The cheapest mode of travel must be stated in the applications. A programme for the applied purpose must also be attached.
  • Maximum support is provided for hotel expenses corresponding to the stated hotel allocation amounts in (only in Danish)
  • Regarding applications for congress participation, priority is given according to the following criteria in the order below :
  1.  Applicants who will give lectures. Abstract with authors' names must be attached.
  2. Applicants who will present posters and the like. Abstract with authors' names must be attached.
  3. The applicant's expected benefit from participation in the relevant congress in relation to the applicant's current research, research plans, international exposure and professional development. Applicants are encouraged to explain this when applying. Any tasks such as chairman and the like and their importance for the outcome should be stated.

Application deadlines and application form

There are three annual application deadlines for travel support:

  • 1 February for travel commencing from 1 March to 31 August
  • 1 June  for travel commencing from 1 July to 31 December
  • 1 Oktober for travel commencing from 1 November to 30 April

Applications will be considered in connection with the above-mentioned deadlines.


  The applications are prioritized by the Head of the Department or other designated VIP according to current guidelines (in Danish).