Would you like to be a supervisor for an international research talent?

If you are an associate professor or professor, consider collaborating with the application experts at WisbAng to recruit a Marie Curie postdoctoral fellow. Come to the information meeting and learn more.

Are you an associate professor or professor at Health? Then why not take an hour and a half in November to hear how you can obtain an international postdoc through the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme, in the company of Dr Caroline Ang and Dr Laura Wisby from British WisbAng Research Development.

As a research director, how often do you get the opportunity to recruit from the top shelves abroad?

Via the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships Programme, lecturers and professors at Health can attract ambitious postdocs from all over the world. Last year, however, Health only received two MSC Postdoctoral Fellowships – and we can do better, says Vice-Dean for Research Hans Erik Bøtker.

This year, the faculty is offering sessions and writing assistance with consultants from the British WisbAng Research Development to anyone who is considering being a supervisor in the programme.

If you register for one of the three online sessions, you will amongst other things receive information on how to seek a foreign postdoc through the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships programme, and what will be expected of you as a supervisor. You will gain knowledge of application criteria, and learn from the experiences of previous MSC recipients.

You will also hear about the possibilities of getting assistance to write the application before the EU’s deadline in September 2023.

Go to the head of the queue

It’s not just anyone who has been hired to help Health supervisors and foreign postdocs to write a really good application for the MSC Fellowships programme. Dr Caroline Ang from British WisbAng Research Development is known as an expert in funding applications, and in the autumn of 2023 she and her colleague Dr Laura Wisby will be helping Health to fulfil its ambition of obtaining more postdocs from the rest of the world.

Health offers help to research directors at all stages of the process, for example to advertise project descriptions in various databases, and with sprint-workshops in writing in May 2023 and individual feedback. If you wish to participate in one of the three sessions in November, you will be at the head of the queue for writing assistance:

  • Tuesday 22 November 13:00-14:30 online session 1 (targeted at the Department of Biomedicine)
  • Tuesday 22 November 15:00-16:30 online session 2 (targeted at the Department of Clinical Medicine)
  • Thursday 24 November 11:00-12:30 online session 3 (targeted at the Department of Public Health, Department of Forensic Medicine and Department of Dentistry and Oral Health)


NB. We are experiencing trouble with the Conference Manager registration system - if the above link does not work, register by writing an email with your name and the desired date to Henry Andreasen at ha@au.dk 

Health is currently placing extra focus on the opportunities offered by the Marie Curie programme, says Hans Erik Bøtker, Vice-Dean for Research.

“But the competition for funding is fierce, so I would encourage everyone who is considering hiring a foreign postdoc to attend one of the three online sessions,” he says.

The EU deadline for applications for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships Programme is September 2023, and the new postdocs are expected to be employed from the summer of 2024.

Read more about Postdoctoral Fellowships

Read about Prof. Robert Fenton’s experience as a supervisor


Provisional timeline – Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships

  • 22 and 24 Nov. 2022: WisbAng Research Development holds online sessions with potential supervisors at Health.
  • 13 Jan. 2023: Deadline for potential supervisors employed at Health to submit recruitment forms.
  • 17 Jan. 2023: Health website with project descriptions are published.
  • 17 Mar. 2023: Deadline for international postdocs’ enquiries concerning the published project descriptions.
  • 30 Mar. 2023: The supervisors select applicants. .
  • 2 May 2023: Online workshop Writing Sprints (WisbAng + supervisors and applicants). WisbAng will provide assistance with the applications.
  • June-July 2023: Individual online meetings between WisbAng, the supervisor and the applicant. WisbAng will provide both oral and written feedback on the final application.
  • Mid-September 2023: EU deadline for applications to the MSCA programme. The budget must be approved by the Research Support Office. The applicant submits the application.
  • February 2024: The European Commission announces the recipients of the MSCA grants, with start in summer 2024.



Adviser Henry Andreasen
Aarhus University, HE Administrative Centre – Dean’s Office
Mobile: +45 2033 8578
E-mail: ha@au.dk