Nobel Laureate Bruce A. Beutler is paying a virtual visit and talking about his academic career under the heading ’Random creation and mitigation of disease’.

Info about event


Wednesday 29 September 2021,  at 15:30 - 17:00


Online via Zoom

In 2011, Bruce A. Beutler received the Nobel Prize for his discoveries and the contribution they made to our understanding of how the innate immune system is activated. In his presentation he will talk about his research and the paths – and dead ends – which led him to the Nobel Prize. He will also be taking questions after the presentation.

The Nobel Laureate Talk lecture with Bruce A. Beutler is particularly aimed at ambitious early career researchers, but everyone with an interest in health- and natural science research of the highest calibre is welcome.

The event is open to everyone and registration is via Conference Manager – the deadline for registration is 27 September 2021.


  • Welcome by Acting Dean Hans Erik Bøtker
  • Presentation entitled 'Random creation and mitigation of disease' by Nobel Laureate and Professor Bruce A. Beutler.
  • Nobel Laureate and Professor Bruce A. Beutler answers questions from the participants.
  • Closing remarks by Acting Dean Hans Erik Bøtker.

Read more about Bruce A. Beutler's visit in the news article on the faculty website.