WORKSHOP: NordicPermed: Call on Personalised Medicine

Seize the opportunity to present and discuss potential projects and applications, expand your network and search for interdisciplinary co-operations across Aarhus University, and between university and hospital.

Info about event


Monday 23 April 2018,  at 13:00 - 15:00


Conference Room 1, Studenterhusfondens konferencecenter, Frederik Nielsens vej 2-4, 8000 Aarhus C.

Arrangementet er aflyst - for få tilmeldinger.

Mandag den 23. april kl. 13.00 afholder Health og FSE i samarbejde med Innovationsfonden NordicPermed workshoppen, der giver forskere muligheden for at afprøve nye ideer.

Læs mere og se dagens program