Virtual PhD defence: Camilla Gunderstofte Nielsen

Nrf2/Keap1 axis in the control of HSV pathophysiology; friend or foe?

Info about event


Tuesday 30 June 2020,  at 11:00 - 13:00


Due to COVID-19, the defence will be held online via Zoom.

Tuesday the 30th of June at 11.00 Camilla Gunderstofte Nielsen  defends her PhD-dissertation entitled: “Nrf2/Keap1 axis in the control of HSV pathophysiology; friend or foe?”

The defence is public and will be held as a web defence (due to COVID-19) via Zoom.  Please read the attached press release to gain access to the defence.

PhD student Camilla Gunderstofte Nielsen
Phone: +45 29 24 74 68

Read the full press release