Skeletal muscle seminar
Info about event
Verdensrummet, Steno Diabetes Center Aarhus, Palle Juul-Jensens Boulevard 11, 8200 Aarhus N
We are excited to announce another focus group seminar on September 4th at 2pm . The seminar will take place in “Verdensrummet” at Steno Diabetes Center Aarhus (Plan 2).
In this seminar we will take a deep dive into muscle cell physiology all the way to clinical trials and drug development. The program is detailed below. No registration needed and everyone is welcome.
14.00-14.40: Thomas Holm Pedersen, Associate professor, AU, and CEO at NMD-Pharma
From ClC-1 chloride channel regulation in active muscle to novel treatment of myasthenia gravis
14.40-15.00: Daniel Zornow Kruse, Master Thesis student, AU
The effects of piperine (derived from black pepper) on dynamic contractility and biochemical myosin states of fast- and slow-twitch rat muscles
15.00-15.30: Ole Emil Andersen
Exercise Substantially Alters Intramuscular Lipid Profiles During Weight Loss in Elderly Humans with Obesity