PhD defence: Mette Hykkelbjerg Christensen

ATP signalling impact the host response to infections

Info about event


Thursday 5 August 2021,  at 16:00 - 18:00


Room 1115-151B, Skou Building, Aarhus University, Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 10, Aarhus C

On Thursday 5 August at 16:00, Mette Hykkelbjerg Christensen defends her PhD dissertation entitled "Purinergic signalling in the host response to pyelonephritis and urosepsis".

A new ph.d.-project from Aarhus University, Health, investigates how ATP signalling influence the host response to invading bacteriae.

ATP is mostly known to be the energy molecule of the cells, however research has shown that it is an important signalling molecule as well, among other things important for activation of the immune system. Therefore, it is interesting to investigate how ATP signalling affects the host response to invading E. coli entering through the urinary tract.

This project has investigated 3 specific ATP receptors significance for development of pyelonephritis and urosepsis in mice. The results shows that ATP signalling is important for the host reaction to the infection and both survival and recruitment of immune cells are affected.    

The summary is written by the PhD student.   

The defence is public and takes place in room 1115-151B, Skou Building, Aarhus University, Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 10, Aarhus C. Please read the attached press release for more information.


PhD student Mette Hykkelbjerg Christensen


Phone: (+45) 51891817

Read full press release