PhD defence: Litten Sørensen Rossen

Human Herpesvirus 6A/6B entry into human cells

Info about event


Friday 5 November 2021,  at 13:00 - 15:00


The Blue Auditorium (1266-222), Aarhus University, Vennelyst Boulevard 4, 8000 Aarhus C

On Friday 5 November at 13:00, Litten Sørensen Rossen defends her dissertation entitled "Entry mechanisms of human herpesvirus 6A/B and their dependence on distinctive CD46 isoforms".

Viruses must enter our cells to cause infection. Human herpesviruses 6A and 6B (HHV-6A/6B) are two closely related viruses that infect us early in life, after which they hide in the body. A molecule expressed on our cells denoted CD46 is the receptor for HHV-6A and in some cases for HHV-6B. CD46 occurs in different variants (isoforms) denoted BC1, BC2, C1 and C2. In this PhD project, the various isoforms were cloned and individually expressed in a genetically modified human cell lacking CD46. In this way, the significance of the different isoforms could be investigated. In the PhD project, it was shown that the isoforms regulate the infection of HHV-6A and HHV-6B differently. The BCisoforms promoted the HHV-6A infection, whereas the C-isoform promoted HHV-6B. Endocytosis is a way in which our cells can take up large molecules or viruses. Another way for viruses to enter our cells is by a fusion between the cell and virus. Examination of these processes showed that HHV-6B uses different ways of entering the cell depending on the isoforms. Since expression of isoforms is genetically determined, the results indicate that individuals may have different susceptibility towards HHV-6A and HHV-6B.

The summary is written by the PhD student.     

The defence is public and takes place in The Blue Auditorium (1266-222), Aarhus University, Vennelyst Boulevard 4, 8000 Aarhus C. Please read full press release for more information. 


PhD student Litten Sørensen Rossen


Phone: (+45) 53553018

Read full press release