Neuroscience/Dandrite Workshop

Neuroscience/Dandrite workshop on Parkinson’s disease and alpha-synuclein

Info about event


Friday 14 June 2019,  at 10:00 - 12:00


The Physiology aud. A., build. 1162, room 013



10.00-11.00: Kostas Vekrellis, associate professor in Neurobiology, Biomedical Research Foundation Academy of Athens, Center for Basic Neurosciences & Visiting Professor, Oxford University Medical School, Dept. of Experimental Medicine, Radcliffe Dept. of Medicine, UK: 

"Hitching a ride to the next cell: Extracellular alpha synuclein and the spread of the disease pathology" 

The workshop is arranged in relation to PhD student Lasse Reimer’s thesis defense in the afternoon.

Hosted by Poul Henning Jensen and organised by Marianne Rasmussen, Neuroscience, the Department of Biomedicine.