Kick-off event - Muscle Focus Group
Info about event
AIAS Auditorium (building 1632-201)
We will kick-off the Muscle Focus Group with a special event on October 2nd, featuring three renowned international speakers:
14.00-14.15: Welcome from the steering committee
14.15-14.55: Professor HÃ¥kan Westerblad, Karolinska Institute, Sweden
Title: Interactions between metabolism, Ca2+ and redox signaling in skeletal muscle fatigue, recovery and training response.
14:55-15.25: Break: Networking and snacks
15.25-16.05: Professor Laurie Goodyear, Joselin Diabetes Center, Harvard University, Boston, US
Title: Novel mechanisms of inter-tissue communication: skeletal muscle and beyond
16.05-16.45: Professor Michael Jensen, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, US
Title: Human Muscle Metabolism as Seen by an Adipose Tissue Investigator
16.45: Round up and farewell
Sign up for the focus group here: here