MatchPoints Seminar 2018

The Welfare State: New Solutions to Old Problems?

Info about event


Thursday 24 May 2018, at 08:30 - Saturday 26 May 2018, at 13:00


Aarhus University

The registration for MatchPoints Seminar 2018 is now open. The theme of this year’s conference is “The Welfare State: New Solutions to Old Problems?”. 

The welfare state is one of the greatest achievements of Western societies. It provides income protection to the jobless and care for the sick and the old. Without it, millions would suffer from poverty and ailments. Therefore, it is also no surprise that voter surveys in Denmark demonstrate over and over again that voters prefer a solid and reliable welfare system to reduced tax payment.

Yet the welfare state is challenged. Rising costs and deep socio-economic changes such as globalization and automatization require us to answer new, pressing questions: How do we ensure equal opportunities for everyone in a globalized and skills-intensive economy? What are the political consequences if we fail? How do we best utilize automatization in public service delivery? What moral dilemmas do automated public service delivery present us with?

Read more about the conference here

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