Course available: Do you want to learn to use LinkedIn?
Are you, or would you like to be, active on LinkedIn? Then here is your chance to learn new skills to use on the platform – skills that can help you expand your network and draw attention to your work.

Health Communication invites all interested employees at the faculty to a free LinkedIn course on Tuesday 26 April 2022 between 9:00 - 11:00.
What can you expect to learn?
- What a good LinkedIn profile contains.
- How to communicate most effectively on LinkedIn.
- Which types of content work best.
- Guidelines about appropriate behaviour on social media.
What do you get out of participation?
The course equips you to become (more) active on LinkedIn. It will help you to:
- Find and interesting contacts and add them to your network.
- Draw attention to your work and your workplace among your peers, foundations,
(potential) collaborative partners and your network in general. - Profile your knowledge and participate in debates within your area or field of work.
- Become part of an informal LinkedIn network with colleagues from the entire faculty.
What do we expect form you?
We expect that you have already created a profile on LinkedIn and that you will participate actively in the course as you create actual postings on LinkedIn together with your colleagues.
In addition, it is important that:
- Your activity on LinkedIn is voluntary.
- You communicate in a personal, trustworthy and credible manner about your work, your workplace and the topics that interest you. You can hear more about this on the course.
Presence on LinkedIn is one of the faculty's areas of focus, but your LinkedIn profile is entirely your own, and we do not interfere in what or how often you post on it. You should primarily participate in the course and be active on LinkedIn for your own sake.
How to register
Register for the course via Health’s staff website no later than Thursday 21 April 2022.
The course will be held in Danish and is open to all employees at Health (both academic and technical/administrative staff). There are twenty-five places and these are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
Communication Partner Sabina Bjerre Hansen
Aarhus University, Health Communication
Mobile: (+45) 3012 3732