Information meeting on Centers of Excellence

In November 2020 the Danish National Research Foundation (DG) opens the next call for Centers of Excellence. Aarhus University invites potential applicants to an information meeting on Centers of Excellence and how to apply for one.

Info about event


Wednesday 4 November 2020,  at 14:30 - 16:00


Zoom, invitation by link will be sent by mail after registration

Read the invitation for more info. Registration is required.


14:30–14:35 Welcome

By Kristian Pedersen, Dean, Faculty of Natural Sciences

14:35–15:00 Presentation of the call 

By Søren-Peter Olsen, The Danish National Research Foundation

Get an early introduction to the call and possible changes from previous calls.

15:00–15:30 Applying for a Center of Excellence 

By Professor Liv Hornekær, Department of Physics and Astronomy and professor Peter Vuust, Department of Clinical Medicine

Two center directors tell us about their experiences from the application phase, the negotiations and the establishing of a center.

15:30-15:55 Q&A

Ask all your questions to DG and to the directors of the centers.

15:55–16:00 Support for the application 

By the Research Support Office, Aarhus University Presentation of research support services offered to applicants during the application phase.