From Danish to English: Health has a new external translator
The faculty's freelance translator is closing down his company. Therefore, all translation from Danish into English that we cannot undertake ourselves should be sent to Global Denmark – a translation agency that already delivers translation services to NAT and TECH and a number of administrative units at AU.

Peter Lambourne, who has been our permanent supplier of English translations to Health since 2013, has decided to close down his company. The faculty has therefore entered into a collaboration with the translation agency Global Denmark, which already undertakes translations for several faculties and administrative units at AU.
This means that already from Monday 23 May 2022, all departments and units at Health who need help with English translations should send the texts for translation to Global Denmark by email:
The new agreement with Global Denmark will have no impact on the translations that the department's or the unit’s own employees do themselves. All in-house translation and language services will continue as hitherto.
The collaboration with Global Denmark is temporary, as all external translations at AU will be tendered in the autumn of 2022.
How to order an English translation
- Send an email and attach the text to be translated to Global Denmark:
- Texts for translation must be editable – i.e. in Word, PowerPoint, Excel or similar (not PDF).
You can request a price estimate from the translator before ordering. Any estimates follow AU’s actual purchasing agreement and are therefore non-negotiable.
- Please, provide the following information in the email:
- Deadline
- Any comments or special wishes
- Any reference files or websites, such as the scientific article, which form the basis for the text
- The EAN number and contact person for invoicing.
- After the translation has been ordered, you will receive a confirmation of receipt from Global Denmark by email.
- Global Denmark will send the translated text back to the person who placed the order unless otherwise agreed in advance. When you receive the text, it is a good idea to run through it and note any comments or queries from the translator.
Communications Partner Sabina Bjerre Hansen
Aarhus University, HE Administrative Centre – Health Communication
Mobile: (+45) 30 12 37 32