Department Seminar

6 June

Info about event


Tuesday 6 June 2017,  at 12:00 - 13:00


Biochemistry Lecture Hall 6




Speaker: Mai Marie Holm

Title: "Excited by excitation"



Balanced excitation and inhibition is crucial for correct brain function. This presentation will provide a tour of key aspects of the excitatory system in the brain starting with electrophysiological studies on recombinant glutamate receptors and ending with neurophysiological analysis of native receptors in isolated rodent brain slices. Selected examples on how glutamate receptors shape synaptic transmission and plasticity in the hippocampus will be highlighted, and it will be illustrated how these mechanisms can be regulated by postsynaptic proteins and allosteric modulators. Studies involve both the SorCS3 knockout mouse model and the wobbler mouse model of ALS. In summary, our data reveal novel aspects of excitation in health and disease, and may contribute to better future management of brain disorders.    

Best regards

The Biomedical Seminar Organizing Committee

Camilla Gustafsen
Yonglun Luo (Alun)