Brain Diseases

Learn more about the Thematic Calls from the Lundbeck Foundation.

Info about event


Thursday 8 February 2018,  at 13:00 - 15:00


The AIAS Auditorium, Building 1632, Aarhus University, Høegh-Guldbergs gade 6B, 8000 Aarhus C.

Learn more about the Thematic Calls from the Lundbeck Foundation, seize the opportunity to present and discuss potential projects and applications, expand your network and search for interdisciplinary co-operations across Aarhus University, and between university and hospital. In other words, make use of this exclusive occasion to try out new ideas and pose questions to the right people!

What causes brain disease? Deadline 22 March 2018
How do we best advance personalised medicine for brain diseases? Deadline 19 April 2018


13.00 Welcome by Ole Steen Nielsen, Vice-dean at Health
13.05 Behind the calls by Sissel Vorstrup, Associate Director of Research, Lundbeck Foundation
13.15 The researchers have the floor: presentations of the initial ideas
14.55 Closing remarks, Vice-dean Ole Steen Nielsen
15.00 Networking (coffee, tea and cake) Registration and questions

For information about participation and presentation or general questions about the workshop, please contact Henry Andreasen, the Dean’s Secretariat at Health, The deadline is 6 February. If you want time to pitch your own ideas at the workshop we encourage you to register as early as possible.  

See the invitation here.