Biomedicine Seminar: Water balance – from kidney to colon

Associate professor, Hanne Bjerregaard Møller from The Department of Biomedicine will present work from her research group.

Info about event


Wednesday 4 September 2019,  at 12:00 - 13:00


Fysiologisk lecture hall (building 1162-013)


Department of Biomedicine

My research area is centered on regulation of water and ion transport across epithelia in the kidney and colon. Both are. organs where dysregulation of transport can cause water/electrolyte imbalances.

I will present some of our findings on regulation of aquaporin-2 (AQP2) in the kidney via posttranslational modifications and the potential relevance for these modifications in diseases such as nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.

I will also share my interest in understanding why excess amounts of bile acids in the intestinal lumen causes diarrhea during the condition bile acid malabsorption and present some of our data in this area.


The seminar will be held at 12:00 pm in the Fysiologisk lecture hall (building 1162-013).
Talks will be 45 min in duration, followed by 15 minutes of discussion.


It is possible to sign-up for a free sandwich, if you follow this link:

Please note the deadline for sandwich sign-up is Monday the 2nd of September.

Biomedicine seminar organizing committee

  • Line Reinert
  • Martin Thomsen
  • Søren Degn
  • Mikkel Vendelbo