Present: Anne Lillevang,Tina Drejer, Tina Fuglsang Daugaard, Steen Torben Nedergaard, Birgitte Mønster Christensen, Jacob Le Fèvre Harslund, Thomas G. Jensen
Absent: Steen Torben Nedergaard
Minute taker: Ulla Vosegaard Als.
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The agenda was approved.
LAMU had few comments to the email politics draft: Autoreply is to be included as well as bullet point form. The changes will be incorporated in the draft and translated to English. The draft will then also be discussed in ad 3LSU, Institutforum, forskningsudvalg.
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How large amounts of chemicals may be stored in the labs, and how is a lab defined. E.g. in Skou, it can be difficult to define as some lab units are connected. Birgitte will ask AT (Work Environment in Denmark) about it.
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The psychological action plan is made. The status on the physical action plan is that everything that can be fixed has been fixed or is about to be fixed. In West some coworkers have noise problems from machinery and colleagues. Anne Lillevang will search the market for cheaper alternatives to noise cancelling headphones, as earmuffs are not always a solution. The department is not inclined to fund the headphones/earmuffs, as it is considered the responsibility of the group leader.
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Three applications were received regarding funds for events across groups etc., and two of them will receive the funding asked for. The third one will have to reduce its program and thus the amount asked for. The applicant will be asked to submit a new budget, and the department head will then decide if the funding can be granted.
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The dates for the next Funds for events across groups application deadline will be June 1, 2023. The applications will be processed at the next LAMU-meeting (June 12, 2023).
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Birgitte informed about the nine work accidents since the last meeting, which involved heavy lifting, two exposures to Isofloran due to an external malfunctioning extraction device – Building Services quickly solved the problem, exposure to fumes from a discarded bottle in a trash bag, needle stick, three rat bites, and herpes infected blood from mouse in eye. Except for the heavy lifting accident, all accidents are registered, but not reported as the injured persons could resume work the next day, and no sick leave was involved. The heavy lifting accident is reported as a work accident.
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The next evacuation drills will take place in September 2023. The drill will include both employees and students (Bartholin building and Einarsson building). Anders Moestrup will be invited to participate.
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Standard frases in Kiros will be translated into English.
Unfortunately, there are examples of lab technicians who have experienced condescending speech from international students and VIPs. It is a serious issue that will be addressed in the newsletter, and at intro meetings. Employees who are experiencing it or who are witnessing situations are encouraged to involve Thomas G. Jensen if necessary.
Now protective gear such as M3 masks are handed out by the animal facilities if requested. The question is whether it should continue. The written request including the extent of the requests are mailed to Birgitte/Thomas.
Sorting of waste: The department is waiting on the AU working group on the new guidelines regarding waste.