Relocation - FAQ

Questions about offices and meeting room

Principles for the distribution of office space
As PI/group leader you are entitled to have your own office.

As PhD student, postdoc, lab coordinator (AC-TAP) and assistant professor you can book a desk in a shared office.  

Dry-lab group members and non-PI associate professors will be allocated office space in an office with less people than the above-described shared office for postdocs etc.  

Bachelor/master or research year students, guests, research assistants, laboratory technicians (laboranter) and medical laboratory technologists (bioanalytikere) can use allocated office space in the lab and the allocated touchdown desks.

Allocation and the moving of shared office space during the relocation (The Bookhus bookings)
If you have booked a desk in a shared office, your “desk” will move with you, if your group is moving to another building. This “desk move” will be handled by Pernille Mortensen and Jeannette Madsen with regard to your group affiliation, current desk location etc.

You will be informed of where your new desk is before you move.   

Standard office furniture
All office units will be equipped with a height-adjustable desk, office chair and possible shelve space, cf. The above-described principles.   

A PI/group leader office will furthermore be offered a small meeting table, two meeting chairs and whiteboards.

Other furniture incl. e.g. chest of drawers etc. must be financed by the group.

Touch-down office space
There will be touch-down desk/office space as follows:

The Skou Building (approx. 48 desks): 1116, 140A, 240A, 340A

The Bartholin Building (approx. 26 desks): 1244, 314, 321

There will be lockers in the Bartholin building, similar to what we have in the Skou building. The tentative plan is to place these in storage/printer rooms situated on each floor.

Meeting rooms and lounge area
here will be meeting rooms in both the Skou, the Bartholin and the Einarsson Building.

The meeting rooms in the Skou and in the Einarsson Building will be the same as now. You can find the room number in Outlook.

The following rooms in the Bartholin Building will be for meetings:

1242: 251 (small meeting room), 345, 445, 545

1244: 211

 Furthermore, the plan is to furnish a lounge area (not to be booked) in 1244, 311.  

All the department’s meeting rooms will be available, and you will have access to book them in via Outlook.   

Office chairs
When you move, it is important to bring your office chair to your new office.

Information monitors

Questions about kitchens and support rooms/units

Kitchens, kitchenettes and canteen  

Printing rooms

Secretariat and office aids support

Storage rooms
The labs have substantially more storage space, but there will be additional storage space in dedicated storage rooms on each floor.

Parcels / packing room

Technical support

There will be parking space in front of the building, in the area facing Randersvej.

Questions about laboratories

Lab chairs
All labs must bring their lab chairs when they move.

Please do not bring your neighbor's lab chairs

Classification of labs
We are in contact with the work environment agency (Arbejdstilsynet) on the process of classification of labs, as well as transferring/adding lab IDs from the approved gene technological projects.


Freezers & fridges

Questions about the relocation process

Moving coordinators [vedlagt som pdf.]

Moving plan

What to do when we move  

House warning