Minutes - LAMU-meeting 30 September 2022

Present: Anne Lillevang,Tina Drejer, Tina Fuglsang Daugaard, Steen Torben Nedergaard, Birgitte Mønster Christensen, Jacob Le Fèvre Harslund, Thomas G. Jensen
Minute taker: Ulla Vosegaard Als.


  1. Godkendelse af dagsorden / Approval of agenda
  2. Stinkskabe: el-forbrug/Fume hoods: electricity consumption(se mail fra Birgitte 15/9-22)
  3. APV-opfølgning / WPA-follow up
  4. Sikkerhedskiltning i Skou / Safety signs in Skou
  5. Orientering om arbejdsulykke (220715 og 220906) / Orientation reg. occupational accidents
  6. Orientering om kemisk affaldsrum i Skou / Orientation on chemical waste room in Skou
  7. Dato for næste ansøgningsrunde well-being/LAMU-møde / Date for next application round/LAMU meeting
  8. Info fra Arbejdsmiljøkonference / Information from Occupational Health Conference
  9. Luftrensere / Air purifier
  10. AMO-møde i december: Emneforslag / AMO meeting in December: suggestions of topics
  11. Eventuelt / AOB

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The agenda was approved

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The use of fume hoods was discussed as turning off fume hoods is an effective way of reducing energy consumption. However, concern was raised regarding the safety of lab staff. The question was raised regarding for how long after use and prior to use the fume hood should be turned on. When is it safe to turn it off? In cases of uncertainty, it is better to leave it on and ask Building Services for advice.
Some fume hoods are silent when on. This means that there is a risk of using the fume hood when it is turned off. It was decided that an on/off sign should be placed on the fume hood, but the user is still responsible for making sure that the fume hood is turned on when s(he) is to use it. An on/off sign has been sent to LAMU after the meeting and the LAMU representatives are encouraged to send the on/off sign to the users of the fume hoods in the respective buildings.
As the fume hoods ought not be used for storage, the total costs may be less if buying smaller portions of eg Xylene, as an empty bottle can be discarded as H2 solid waste, instead of having larger portions that must exhaust in a ventilation cupboard or as a last resort in a fume hood. It is investigated if there is room for more ventilation cupboards in Skou.   
Fume hoods in South cannot be switched off, but if a fume hood is not connected to other fume hoods in another lab, it is possible to add an extra switch. Annette Gils is already involved.
Working environment representatives can refer to Thomas or Birgitte if they get questions they cannot answer.
Clear guidelines regarding when to switch on/off the fume hood are requested. Building services must provide an estimation of when to turn the fume hood on/off, and the buildings in Skou, West and South must be notified. Later this year, the AU green guide will be published, and the fume hoods are included.
AU has the website https://medarbejdere.au.dk/en/kilowhat-can-you-do, and the energy ambassadors must also be involved.

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Birgitte informed that the occupational therapist (ergoterapeut) is coming on December 6, 2022.  Three yoga mats are now available in room 1231-414. A mattress and blanket will be purchased for the room by Anne Lillevang.
Regarding the psychological WPA the follow-up group will have a meeting with Louise Tornøe Johnsen, AU Organisational Learning and Development about how to proceed from the dialogue meeting.
Birgitte also informed about the last meeting in the WPA follow up group.
Thomas commented that the WPA process is very long and will take it to FAMU.

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The same system as now is to be used. This means that the signs can be combined and placed in the existing sign holders.

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Birgitte informed about two work accidents. One in the 5th floor supply room, where a misplaced knife fell off a box taken from above the head. The person was not hit by the knife, but to avoid it hurt her back. If needed a kick step stool (elefantfod) can be purchased. The other accident involved the roll-up door by the goods delivery room, where the door closed while a person was entering. He was hit on the head. Jakob will follow up on it as perhaps a censor can be moved to avoid it happening again.

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The chemical waste room will soon have limited access. This means that each group will now have one person responsible for chemical waste, and it is only that person who can enter the chemical waste room. A card reader will be applied and only persons responsible for chemical waste in the groups will have access to the room. They will attend a short course on how to handle chemical waste by Cathrin Guldager Sørensen 25 October 2022. 

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The next LAMU-meeting is February 8, 2023, at 9-11. Application deadline for wellbeing initiatives is January 15, 2023.

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Several members of the health and safety organization participated in the Conference on Work Environment for all universities in Nyborg. The conference was very informative and is also a good way for AMR to socialize. The next conference is October 9-10, 2024.

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In building 1182, 3 fl., behavioral animal experiments are conducted. Members of staff are affected by allergens from the animals. There is no ventilation so air cleaners in each room may be a possible solution. Jakob will contact Occupational Medicine to get their take on it.

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A topic for the upcoming AMO-meeting is Fume hoods.
The meeting is to take place 7/12 at 12-14.
AMR are encouraged to send topics for the agenda.

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Tina Drejer: Tina has received a request regarding long underwear as the building is getting colder. Birgitte will take the request up with Jeannette Madsen.
Should old table lamps be exchanged for new more energy-friendly table lamps? Or is it energy saving just to change the bulb? Quantity/price is sent to Birgitte, who will decide.
Tina will evaluate temperatures when building services (Bredvig) has finished insulating the roof.
Anne Lillevang: Onboarding. Everyone is encouraged to add their portrait photo to Pure, so new, and old employees can see pictures of their colleagues.
Birgitte: The evacuation drill went well. 120 students were evacuated in 4 minutes from builedning 1231. In 1160 the alarm did not stop. A common assembly point for Skou and South will be established and one assembly point for West.
Tina Fuglsang: The mandatory lab course is followed by a Kiros – workshop. It is an issue that Kiros is only in Danish. Information can only be taken from the green area in Kiros, not from the blue, which is from ST and in English. There is no information regarding waste handling. Would it be possible that Lina writes the amounts that are ordered? Instead of general information?
There is another system Kemibrug, which is used by other universities. It is both in Danish and English.
On the second floor in 1115, they have fruit and nuts in the lab, which is not allowed. Tina will inform Birgitte where.