Referat af LAMU-møde 23. februar 2022

Present: Anne Lillevang,Tina Drejer, Tina Fuglsang Daugaard, Steen Torben Nedergaard, Birgitte Mønster Christensen, Thomas G. Jensen, Jeannette Madsen (Item 4)
Absent: Jacob Le Fèvre Harslund
Minute taker: Ulla Vosegaard Als


Dagsorden / Agenda

  1. Godkendelse af dagsorden / Approval of agenda
    The agenda is approved, but it is decided to begin with item 4 which Jeannette Madsen is to present.
  2. Status på kemikalieaffald / Status on chemical waste
    Cathrine Guldager will be asked to go through the chemical waste procedures in South.
    Everything is going much better in Skou. Hande Login and Henriette are now involved.
    In West, Fortum has helped to sort chemical waste from a discontinued lab. In cases with various chemicals, Fortum can do the sorting much faster as they have the expertise of knowing how to sort all chemicals.
  3. APV – opsummering om proces og følgegruppe / WPA – sum up on proces and working group
    The working group of the WPA is to consist of Lasse Sommer Kristensen, Agnete Larsen, Bertha Beck Mortensen, Birgitte Mønster Christensen and Thomas G. Jensen. The working group takes up the crucial issues – both physical and psychological issues – of the report. AMO will be invited to suggest initiatives to steps to solutions.
    The working group will have their first meeting in week 16.
  4. Opfølgning på trivselskampagne / Follow up on the well-being campaign
    Approx. 100 employees responded to the questionnaire that was sent out as a follow-up on the well-being initiative that was carried out through 2021. According to Jeannette Madsen the highlights of the results were that 75% thought that focus on well-being is important, 50% thought that they are now more aware of own/colleagues’ well-being, and 7% have taken action to make changes. She also informed that to further work, the participants suggested issues such as stress, work/life balance, and motivation. In order to follow up on the well-being initiative, several approaches were discussed. Thomas G. Jensen informed that Biomedicine does have funds to back initiatives that seek to strengthen the well-being, motivation, etc. of the employees across the department. However, initiatives must include both an academic and a social part, and it was also agreed that initiatives must be events across research groups, floors, buildings, etc. The funds will be mentioned in the next newsletter and employees are encouraged to apply if they have ideas of events that meet the criteria. AMO/LAMU is to arrange a workshop on e.g. motivation that is to take place one afternoon after the summer holidays.
  5. Obligatorisk labkursus – hvem skal overtage efter CCP? / Mandatory lab course – who is to take over from Charlotte Christie Petersen?
    This spring CCP will do the course for the last time, as she is no longer a member of the Health and Safety organization. Her successor is to be found within the health and safety organization. Both leaders and representatives will be asked if they want to take over the course. CCP will help get the new course leader started. Helle Jakobsen has the Kiros part of the presentation.
  6. Evakueringsøvelse – tidspunkt og skal det foregå mens der er undervisning? / Evacuation drill – date/time and is it to take place during classes?
    We will include the students in the evacuation drill (South and Bartholin). Teachers/instructors are responsible for evacuation of the students. New teachers/instructors will receive information on how. Anders Moestrup will be asked about providing signs to post on doors etc. and a plan must be made on how to evacuate. The study administration must notify teachers and students of the day of evacuation.
    Evacuation drills are planned to take place in September.
    In 1160 at the last evacuation drill, temporary alarms were set up in the stairway, so everyone in the building could hear the alarm (including the 4th floor). Both animal facilities and newly established labs are present on the 4th floor. After the drills, the alarms were dismantled. In 1160, they would like to have alarms that are connected, so the sirens can be heard on all floors. The group in West is encouraged to state it in the upcoming WPA/Dalux. Birgitte/Thomas will also speak to Conor Leerhøy about a solution.
  7. LAMU årshjul / LAMU annual cycle of work
    LAMU meetings are to be held in February, June, September, November/December (AMO-meeting).
  8. Eventuelt / AOB
    Helle Jakobsen has asked Birgitte, if we have a person responsible for poisonous substances? No one knows and in order to answer the question, Birgitte will speak to Helle about where she has come across that we should have one.