Present: Anne Lillevang,Tina Drejer, Tina Fuglsang Daugaard, Steen Torben Nedergaard, Birgitte Mønster Christensen, Thomas G. Jensen, Jeannette Madsen (Item 4)
Absent: Jacob Le Fèvre Harslund
Minute taker: Ulla Vosegaard Als
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Birgitte made a brief outline of the coming dialogue meeting which is a follow up on the WPA. The meeting will start with an introduction by Thomas G. Jensen, followed by a question which will be discussed in pairs: What is my influence on the work environment? Brief recap in plenary session. The participants will then be divided into groups and will choose the question they wish to discuss for ½ hour: 1) How do we create a working day where no one is met by abusive speech or behavior? 2) How do we achieve a better balance between time and tasks – and avoid stress? 3) How do we increase the sense of community and the feeling of having common goals? After which we meet again and have a summary in plenary session. Minutes from the meeting will be mailed afterwards.
Ad 3.
Lab IDs for classified labs in West and South must be collected to make a list before the relocation to Bartholin/Skou. Maybe Peder S. Madsen has a list of the classified labs, and regarding the Animal facilities Jakob Harslund may have information.
Ad 4.
Anders Etzerodt volunteered to teach the mandatory lab course this spring and has agreed to teach it in the fall as well. It was discussed who is to teach the course in the future, a solution could be a teamwork between a work environment leader and representative. No agreement was reached and the issue will be addressed again at the end of the year.
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Regarding the well-being initiative about creating more interaction cross buildings, floors, research groups etc., we have received five applications, which all meet the criteria. It was agreed that all applicants should have funding. However, one applicant will have to reduce its program.
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There have been three work accidents; two needle stick injuries and one razor blade cut. All three accidents have been recorded, but not reported as they have not resulted in sick leaves. All incidents were accidents that could not be avoided.
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The evacuation drill is to take place in September. As the students are to be involved this time, the drill in the teaching wing in South and the Bartholin Building will be at 8.13 am. The other buildings will be evacuated separately from 9 am and with half an hour in between. Anders Moestrup will be invited to participate.
Ad 8.
Skou was evacuated due to spill of liquid nitrogen (1 meter high from the floor) combined with exhaust from outside, and possibly heat, set off the alarm in the chemical waste room.
Ad 9.
Incidents of eating and drinking in labs have been observed and reprimanded by a lab technician. If the eating and drinking continues the management of the health and Safety organization will be involved. Eating and drinking are not allowed in labs.
Anne Lillevang and Tina Fuglsang are in a glove user group at AU. The other universities in Denmark have prepared thorough tender documents (udbudsmateriale) regarding gloves and AU has become part of it too. Imtex A/S and VWR A/S won the tender. When buying gloves IMtex must be first choice, and if they cannot deliver, VWR is second choice. Anne and Tina will write Morten Pless about their recommendations of which gloves to buy.