Present: Anne Lillevang, Bjarke Thomsen, Helle Jakobsen, Helle Salling Gittins, Tina Drejer, Tina Fuglsang Daugaard, Anders Etzerodt,Hande Login, Jakob Le Fèvre Harslund (via zoom), Lasse Sommer Kristensen, Olav Michael Andersen, Steen Torben Nedergaard, Peder Søndergaard Madsen, Birgitte Mønster Christensen, Thomas G. Jensen, Henriette Gram Johanson
Absent: Bettina Bundgaard, Heidi Schou Knudsen, Karina Aakær Vetergaard Nielsen, Paw Hvid Finderup Jensen
Minute taker: Ulla Vosegaard Als
- Godkendelse af dagsorden / Approval of agenda
Agenda approved. - APV 2022 / WPA (Workplace assessment) 2022
The physical and psychological WPA (APV) will be carried out on 28/2-11/3-2022. The AMO groups take care of the physical issues that may emerge. A follow-up group consisting of at least Thomas G. Jensen and Birgitte Mønster Christensen will work on the issues emerging from the psychological WPA. Lasse Sommer Christensen volunteered to be part of the psychological follow-up group, which will make an action plan. Previously dialogue meetings have been had, but have they worked? It was decided that the sort of problem emerging will decide what action needs to be taken. The issue will be on the agenda at the next LAMU meeting.
When answering the WPA it is sometimes confusing who is meant when talking about the closest leader; is it the department head or the group leader? Thomas G. informed that in general it will be the group leader, and he also informed that there will be changes to the WPA; among other things it will be possible to make more comments. - Bakterierum i Skou / Bacteria room in Skou
Some users do not clean up after themselves in the room, which is a problem. Among other things broken glass has been left in the incubators and things have been destroyed. In order to keep track of the coming and goings in the room, a card reader will be set up, and users will need to get special access to the room. A log will thus be kept in order to identify who has entered the room and not cleaned up if that is the case. Tina Fuglsang and Tina Hindkjær will be responsible for the room, and they will be the ones to contact if something is not in order. A meeting will be held to instruct the users how to use the machines in the room among other things (Thomas Corydon will call the meeting). It is the group leaders who decide who needs access.
In class 2 in 1182, all users have introductions each year, so they are always up to date on changes. - Risikoaffaldsrum – affaldsansvarlig? / Hazardous waste room - responsible for waste?
Now 4 fractions/drums are used. If more fractions are needed more drums can be set up. If you have chemical waste outside the four fractions you put them on the shelves and Fortum takes care of it, when they collect the waste. Hande Login would like to be superuser of the room / responsible for the room in Skou, and Henriette Gram Johanson would like to assist, so they can start sorting the chemical waste. Hande will talk to Cathrin about getting instructions on how to go about it. The waste room should be just as important to get introduced to as eg. cell lab.Cathrin has produced a list with all chemicals (to the website) which also explains how to dispose of the chemical waste. - Tjek af stinkskabe 2021 / Check of fume cupboards 2021. So far Building services has not checked the fume cupboards this year in Skou. Last time was in 2020. Birgitte/Thomas will ask Conor Leerhøy about it. Anatomy had their fume cupboards checked in May.
- Lab-rundering december 2021/ Lab rounds December 2021 (Helle Jakobsen). Lab rounds in December once a year. It was not done last year. The Skou group will have a meeting regarding who takes which floor. Helle has the form and will send it to everyone in the group.
- Arbejdsmiljødrøftelse 2022 (udkast) /The annual occupational health and safety review (draft) (bilag 1). The review was approved with the following changes: Theme day with occupational therapist (ergoterapeut), who can make rounds and give advice. Birgitte/Ulla organize it. Evacuation drill: were students supposed to be included? Next time student will be included. APV follow-up is added to goals of 2022. Who is to take the lab course for Charlotte? Another person must be appointed.
- Kompetenceplan 2021 / Competency plan 2021 (bilag 2). The plan was approved ved a few adjustments: In row 1: LSU ændres til LAMU. Helle Gittins has also participated in the offensive behavior workshop.
- Oplæg om trivselsinitiativ v/Jeannette Madsen / Presentation of the well-being initiative by Jeannette Madsen. Jeanette presented the well-being initiative and divided all participants into groups to work on the following topics.
Topics to explore further:
Focus more on the barriers of well-being. - Evt. / AOB