Minutes from AMO-meeting 7 December 2022

Present: Anne Lillevang, Bjarke Thomsen, Helle Jakobsen, Helle Salling Gittins, Tina Fuglsang Daugaard, Anders Etzerodt,Hande Login, Jakob Le Fèvre Harslund (via zoom), Lasse Sommer Kristensen, Olav Michael Andersen, Steen Torben Nedergaard, Peder Søndergaard Madsen, Birgitte Mønster Christensen, Thomas G. Jensen, Henriette Gram Johanson, Susie Mogensen, Bettina Bundgaard, Heidi Schou Knudsen
Absent: Karina Aakær Vetergaard Nielsen, Paw Hvid Finderup Jensen, Tina Drejer
Minute taker: Ulla Vosegaard Als


  1. Godkendelse af dagsorden / Approval of agenda
    The agenda is approved.
  2. Risikoaffaldsrum in Skou. Herunder manglende ventilation – er sikkerheden i orden?
    / Hazardous waste room in Skou. Lack of ventilation – is it safe?
    A ventilation system may be necessary as the vapor can be hazardous. The room is open, but situated at a dead end, so there is no natural ventilation. Conor informed that they will install ventilation in the room.
  3. Hvem skal afholde obligatorisk lab-kursus fremadrettet?
    / Who will teach the mandatory lab course in the future?
    Anders Etzerodt has held the course twice now due to a special agreement. Anders would like to do it again but thinks it may be valuable that more people get the deeper knowledge that he acquired when preparing for the course, and the information is also slightly different for each building. Scientific people should give the talk, but it should be a team of people – scientific representatives from each building. Thomas G. plans to participate in the lab course next time.
    The mandatory lab course is twice a year – 1-2 hours talk. The preparation is not extensive.
    In the next information mail regarding participating in the course, it is important to emphasize that the PIs must participate. Each PI should go at least every 3 years. In future meetings with group leaders, Thomas G. can stress that safety is important and the responsibility of the PI.
  4. LAF-bænke: Vi skal have sat opslag op på LAF-bænke om, at der ikke må foregå arbejde, som er sundhedsskadelig (krav fra arbejdstilsynet).
    / Flow cabinets: Put up notices on the flow cabinets reg. no work with substances hazardous to health (Demand form the Danish Working Environment Authority).
    LAF benches must have a sign that no work with substances hazardous to people are allowed if there is recirculation. If connected to ventilation, a sign is not necessary. Helle will make a sign. It is the responsibility of the groups to put up the sign. When in doubt about the ventilation ask the Building Services. When the sign is ready, an email explaining it – and with the sign attached - will be sent.
  5. Indsatsområder i psykisk APV-handleplan, som AMO/LAMU er involveret i.
    / Focus areas in the psychological WPA-action plan which AMO/LAMU are involved in.
    Communication presentation: the plan is to invite Mikkel Orlovski to speak about cultural differences in the workplace.
    HR presentation: guidance for new PIs on how to have SDD (MUS). Work group will be established, involving both AMO, and the APV follow group. The APV follow group is to start the process.
    Email politics: different fora will be involved. It will be an item on the next LAMU-meeting. Input can be mailed to Birgitte/Ulla. E.g., what is the expected response time to an email?
    Funding for scientific/social events can be applied for. LAMU decides who is to receive funding.
  6. Status på fysisk APV handleplaner/udførelse – ikke alle punkter kan løses. Hvem henviser man til, når folk bliver frustrerede: Thomas/Jeannette?
    / Status on the physical WPA action plans/implementation – everything cannot be solved. To whom do we refer frustrated employees: Thomas/Jeannette?
    Send an email to Jeannette, Thomas or Birgitte. They will discuss the problem and suggest a solution.
  7. Kemisk risikovurdering. Status. Hvad har vi meldt ud? Hvor langt er grupperne kommet? / Chemical risk assessment. Status. What was announced? How far are the groups?
    Anne talked to Cathrin Guldager about a small workshop in smaller groups reg. chemical risk assessment - both the theoretical and practical part. Duration 2-3 hours. To be held shortly after the lab course. Helle mentioned that the Kiros workshop already includes the practical part of the chemical risk assessment issue. Helle/Anne will speak with Cathrin about the format and how it can be combined with the existing Kiros workshop.
    There is a link in Kiros to the chemical risk assessment. There are different methods on how to assess chemicals. When a new chemical risk assessment is made, the method how to handle it already exists and the chemical is added to the method. An easy way to make the chemical assessment is to add the two chemical risk assessment points every time you make a new protocol. APB is not in English, and it is still a problem. Birgitte will speak to Lina.
  8. Laborant kontorarbejdspladser i laboratorierne i Skou – nye dybere hævesænkeborde med en smallere bordkant er sat på standby pga økonomiske udfordringer grundet øgede udgifter til strøm osv.
    Kan der findes en anden midlertidig løsning på problemerne, som mange laboranter/bioanalytikere oplever (Jeannette har fået en liste over laboranter/bioanalytikere der har svaret i APV)?
    / Lab technician office space in the labs in Skou – purchase of new height adjustable desks with a narrower table edge have been put on standby due to financial challenges due to increased energy expenses etc.
    Is it possible to find another temporary solution, as it is a problem for many lab technicians (Jeannette has received a list of lab technicians who have mentioned it in the WPA)?
    The department had a visit from an occupational therapist. There are other solutions eg. prolonging the tables, arm rest. Helle will send suggestions incl. price to Thomas/Birgitte, who will discuss it with Conor.
    Research year students do not have office spaces. The management will look into if anything can be done.
  9. Storrumskontorerne – er luftkvaliteten blevet tjekket af Conor?
    / Open-plan offices – has the quality of air been checked by Conor?
    Conor informed that the temperature and air quality are measured all the time. The offices are flushed every two/three hours. It is ok to open the windows – but they must be closed again.
  10. Hvad gør man for at forbedre luftkvaliteten på kontorerne, når vinduerne ikke må åbnes – hvem skal gå rundt og fortælle folk, at de ikke må åbne vinduerne?
    / What is done to improve the air quality in the offices, when you are not allowed to open the windows – who is to tell people that they are not allowed to open the windows?
    See point 9.
  11. Fokus på kemisk affald og sikkerhed / Focus on chemical waste and safety. 
    Medarbejdere, som arbejder i laboratorier, bør vide, hvordan man håndterer kemikalier. Det er vigtigt at oplære nye medarbejdere. PIs skal være opmærksomme på, at det tager tid at lave en kemisk risiko vurdering/affaldskategori osv. Ledelsen bør sikre sig, at PIs afsætter tid til dette emne og til forberedelser.
    / People working in the labs should know what to do when handling chemicals.
    Finding a way to train the newcomers and prepare them to the job is essential. PIs should realize that it takes time to prepare chemical risk assessment or to figure it out waste category etc. The management should make sure that PIs give importance to this topic and give enough time to their employees for the preparations.

    The topic is Trine’s comments after the chemical waste room course. PIs should really care and tell employees that they must spend time on the matter.
    Chemical waste and lab safety should be included in the introduction for everybody: Thomas G’s meeting for new employees. PI meetings, house meetings could also be a place to stress the importance of lab safety.
  12. Brandslukningsremedier til slukning af mindre brande – brandtæppe/pulverslukker.
    / Firefighting equipment for small fires – fire blanket / powder extinguisher.
    Butan gasses are they allowed? Morten S Nielsen will take it to the next management meeting.
    The equipment is in the other buildings: West and South have CO2-extinguishers.
    Both extinguishers and blankets must have service checks.
  13. Arbejdsmiljødrøftelse 2023 (udkast)
    / The annual occupational health and safety review (draft) (bilag 1)
    GRUS for associated professors is added to the draft.
  14. Kompetenceplan 2022
    / Competency plan 2022 (bilag 2)
  15. Beredskabsplaner og action card ved strømafbrydelser
    / Contingency plan and action card in case of power cuts
    The department must prepare an action card in case of power cuts – planned or unplanned.
    In case of planned power cut we may have less than 15 minutes warning.
    Next month/week if we go low on electricity, it may be decided to turn the electricity off for 2 hours. Hospitals are exempted. The buildings will be ventilated after a possible turn off.
    Plans for the various buildings must be made. Birgitte is making a draft for the department, which every building/AMO group can expand on.
    What will we do in animal facilities, cell lab, etc.? What are the groups working with and how often?
    Power cut – Evacuate the building?
    How do we stop the evacuation? 
  16. Evt. / AOB
    Autoclaves in Skou. Four out of seven autoclaves are not working. Class 2 material is taken to class 1 autoclave. Two out of three are now working in the animal facilities. Yearly maintenance has not been performed. According to Conor there are new service contracts with Getinge on all autoclaves – Getinge must arrive within 24 hours. Getinge have a problem getting spare parts. Hopefully next year they will get the spare parts and can run the yearly maintenance. Thomas will talk to the management group about it. Maybe it is possible to coordinate the autoclaving. Virkon can be used for class 1 liquid waste instead of autoclaving.
    Waste handling in coffee rooms, canteen. We should have a kind of waste sorting. AU has a work group. A system will be implemented.