Hjælp til test af ny velkomstpakke til udenlandske ph.d.-studerende og forskere

Aarhus Kommune efterlyser hjælp til at kvalitetssikre den nye grønne velkomstpakke fra Borgerservice til udenlandske ph.d.-studerende og forskere.

Test af ny velkomstpakke til udenlandske forskere i Aarhus Kommune

Aarhus Kommune har brug for din hjælp til at finde udenlandske ph.d.-studerende/forskere, der kunne tænke sig at hjælpe med at kvalitetssikre den nye grønne velkomstpakke fra Borgerservice.

The Municipality of Aarhus needs people for a user panel to test new Welcome Package
The municipality of Aarhus would like to have response on their new welcome packages to international citizens of Aarhus. Therefore they are organizing focus group interviews in the beginning of October. Aarhus University has been asked to find 10 international PhD students, researchers and other international staff, both recently arrived and who have been here for a longer time.

If you fit into one of these categories and are interested in being part of the focus group, please contact Maria Scamuzzi from Aarhus Citizens Service at masca@aarhus.dk and she will send you more information.

You can see the welcome package here: http://www.businessregionaarhus.com/da/Welcome1/Welcome-pack.aspx

We appreciate your assistance with improving the welcome of international researchers to Aarhus,


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