Deltagere: Thomas G. Jensen; Morten Schallburg Nielsen; Thomas Juhl Corydon; Ina Maria Schiessl; Samia Joca; Bertha P. Beck Mortensen; Steen Vang Petersen; Inger Merete S. Paulsen; Gitte Fynbo Biller; Agnete Larsen; Erling Melchior Dammand; Esben Thorup Boel; Anne Flensborg;
Afbud fra: Jani Kær; Stinne Ravn Greisen; Paw Finderup Hvid Vinther.
Referent: HR-partner Pia Lind Lunau Kristensen.
- Konstituering af nyt LSU v/institutleder
Constitution of Liaison Committee /by Head of Department
Thomas welcomed to the meeting. It is the first meeting where we have English-speaking colleagues with – welcome to Ina and Samia who are appointed by Head of Department as management representatives together with Head of Department and Deputy Head of Department Thomas Juhl Corydon and Deputy Head of Department Morten Schallburg Nielsen.
The employees have signed up with new substitutes, Bjarne Brix – for Erling Melchior Dammand and Esben Thorup Boel and Paw Finderup Hvid Vinter – for Jani Kær.
Inger Merete (DBIO) informed that she stops as Union Representative this summer.
Bertha continues as Deputy Chair.
New members and substitutes can and should sign up for The Cooperation Committee - a value-creating dialogue forum I (open basic course)
Head of Department stated that he is aware that English is a barrier for some, but as Head of Department he does find it exclusionary if our English-speaking colleagues are not able to participate in councils and committees as well as reading minutes from the meetings.
Head of Department also stated that it is important that all members of the Liaison Committee can follow the discussions going on at the meetings.
The Committee discussed that the administration language is Danish, but if the Committee agree that the Minutes are written in English, it is OK. If anyone requests the minutes in Danish, the Department must decide how to handle that.
The Committee did not make a final decision on whether the Minutes will be in English or Danish in future. Head of Department emphasized that the Minutes must be understandable for everyone. The HR Department offers to make the Minutes in Danish or English – not both. If the Minutes subsequently must be translated from the one language to the other, this task rests with the Department. The Head of Department emphasized that a change in the language should not lead to others feeling as excluded.
Head of Department informed about Liaison Committee’s tasks. New members will also be informed of the tasks etc. when they participate in the course mentioned above.
You can also read about the tasks here:
Guide til et godt SU-samarbejde / Guide to ensure good conditions for cooperation in and between liaison committees
Samarbejdsaftalen /
Samarbejdsaftale for Aarhus Universitet / Cooperation Agreement for AU - Godkendelse af dagsorden v/institutleder
Approval of agenda /by Head of Department
Agenda approved. - Godkendelse af referat af møde 7. december 2021 v/institutleder
Approval of minutes from the meeting 7th December 2021 /by Head of Department
Minutes approved. - Revidering og vedtagelse af LSU-forretningsorden v/institutleder
Revision and approval of Procedure for The Liaison Committee /by Head of Department
Representatives from the employee side (Agnete and Steen) have offered to draft a new rules of procedure for Liaison Committee – please find the updated templates here:
Skabelon for forretningsorden for samarbejdsudvalg / Template for rules of procedure of liaison committees at AU - Vedtagelse af årshjulet for 2022 v/institutleder
Approval of plan for 2022 /by Head of Department
The plan was approved. - Orientering om økonomien v/institutleder
Financial statement 2021 /by Head of Department (only in Danish)
Institutlederen gennemgår årsregnskabet for 2021 for instituttet.
Kort om resultatet
Det samlede resultat for Institut for Biomedicin er et overskud på 1 mio. kr. mod et oprindelig budgetteret overskud på 3 mio. kr. Resultatet er primært påvirket af ekstra udgifter til ombygning i Skou-bygningen, udgifter til indkøb af bure til dyrestalden og af færre lønudgifter.
Institut for Biomedicin er på sigt økonomisk udfordret især pga. stigende husleje, ombygningsudgifter, og det pres som den store stigning i eksterne midler ligger på instituttets faciliteter og basismidler.
Instituttet fortsætter med sine ambitiøse rekrutteringsstrategi, som giver et højere forskningsniveau og styrker instituttet i den øgede konkurrence om eksterne midler. Meroptaget på medicinuddannelsen nødvendiggør desuden, at de faglige miljøer skal styrkes, så de studerende fortsat kan tilbydes højt kvalificeret og forskningsbaseret undervisning. Med opførelsen af Skou-bygningen og renoveringen af Bartholin- og Einarsson-bygningerne får instituttet nye og moderne rammer. Instituttet finder det nødvendigt at investere yderligere i disse, og er i gang med at oprette og udvide core-faciliteter inden for fluorescens-baseret mikroskopi, FACS, CyTOF, fænotypering og bioinformatik og planlægger et klasse 3 laboratorium i den renoverede Bartholin-bygning.
Instituttet oplever en stor stigning i eksterne midler og har fokus på inddækning (bl.a. ved bench fee) og priser i dyrestalden, der afspejler de reelle samlede udgifter. Instituttet er som en konsekvens af væksten udfordret af kapaciteten i dyrestaldsfaciliteterne og laboratorieplads.
Lønudgifterne gennemgås løbende, og omfanget af nyansættelser revurderes mht. på at finde eventuelle besparelser. Meroptaget af medicinstuderende og mere intern censur giver dog et øget udgiftspres på grund af øget undervisning og eksamensaktiviteter.
The Committee discussed that it is difficult to understand the figures since the numbers can change from budget to the final accounting. The Committee finds that changes often are explained as technical shifts in the way of final accounting.
The employee side asked if we are home safe in regards to rent expenses – the double rent situation for Bartholin.
The controller explained that the expenses in 2021 and 2022 are covered by internal funding (USM-midler) and this year by reduced expenses to Bygningsstyrelsen.
Head of Department stated that he cannot give a 100% guarantee that the Department is home safe in regards to future rent expenses.
The employee side also noted that there seems to be an increased expense for salaries to VIP-employees. Head of Department confirmed this and informed that it is because of an increased student intake.
The Committee discussed whether all academic staff are subject to the same teaching obligations. Head of Department informed that there can be differences in the teaching obligations and the reasons for this may differ from person to person. Right now the Department is working to measure the amount of teaching and to follow up on the teaching tasks.
The Committee asked whether the increased consumption costs on electricity, water and heating also have an impact on the Departments costs.
The controller promised to find out and get back with the answers on the next Committee meeting.
The Committee also discussed different models of granting and overhead. Some grants are without overhead (especially private foundations). However Novo accepts bench fees and there fore the Head of Department checks applications for Novo to make sure a bench fee in included in the application. Bench fee is something new for grants applied for in 2022 and will not be visible in the Department’s revenues until 2023/2024. - Optakt til de årlige lønforhandlinger v/institutleder
Information of the annual pay negotiations /by Head of Department
Head of Department informed that the negotiations at Biomedicin takes place at 16th, 19th and 20th May.
All material is now e-mailed from HR to the respective union representative or trade unions as well as invitation for negotiations are send.
The management team and the union representative or trade unions exchange additional names, they may wish to discuss by the negotiations, after Easter.
Head of Department explained the negotiation process where employees themselves can ask for salary increase, as well as the management group and the union representative can nominate employees for salary increase. The negotiations determine who get salary increase this year.
Head of Department prioritize that as many as possible can get a salary increase, even though it means that the amount will be lower.
All negotiations are based on the 31.3.2012-level – except one-off bonuses (they will be paid out at current level). In general supplements are pensionable, one-off bonuses are not pensionable.
The senior management team (Universitetsledelsen) has decided that the frame is 0.5 percentage of the total payroll budget – at Health the Dean has decided that the budget is up to 0.5 of the total payroll budget. - APV, fysisk og psykisk v/institutleder
Workplace assessment (WPA), physical and psychological /by Head of Department
The WPA survey will be conducted in the period 28 February to 11 March 2022. WPA 2022 includes questions relating to both the physical and the psychological work environment. The psychological part of the questionnaire will be completed anonymously.
The anonymity limits for general questions are 10 responses and for questions about offensive behaviour and discrimination 40 responses. Responses to sub-questions about offensive behaviour and discrimination will not be shown in the report until there are four instances.
The results of the WPA survey are published in the beginning of April.
Further information: om arbejdspladsvurdering (APV) på Aarhus Universitet /
The Working Environment Organization (AMO) will discuss the results and meetings will be held at the Department with further discussions and input to action plans for the focus areas, that the Department decides to prioritize.
The Committee discussed that it can be difficult to find all relevant issues by reading the reports. The union representatives urge that employees who might have something on their mind that can be difficult to say for example to their manager, are welcome to go to the union representatives who can also guarantee full confidentiality. - Opfølgning på årets MUS og kompetenceudviklingsindsats - drøftelse v/institutleder
Follow-up on SDD 2021 and discussion of competence development /by Head of Department
The overall goal to follow up is to make sure the local Liaison Committee’s discuss the local SDD-practice and competence development.
It is not an evaluation of AU’s SDD concept, the IT-system AUHRA or the amount of money spend on competence development.
The Committee discussed that there’s a wish to include and extent career development and planning. One suggestion could be that, for example, postdocs have one person at the Department to discuss those issues with. Maybe immediate supervisor, not always, are the best to discuss career development with. The Committee agreed that knowledge of career development can be disseminated better. At Department of Biomedicine you can seek advice and guidance from the theme coordinators for example, and the head of department has often meetings with senior postdocs. The union representatives mentioned that especially for the fixed term academic staff it is important with clarity about options and rights.
The Committee agreed that career development and strategy can be possible themes for this year’s SDD.
The Head of Department informed that in 2022 the plan is that team development dialogue (TDD – gruppeudviklingssamtaler/GRUS in Danish) will be used as supplement to SDD’s. The dialogues will be for associate professors within the four different research themes – and the Head of Department participates in the dialogues.
The Committee discussed that the SDD only gives value if the manager and employee together follow-up on the dialogue and activities agreed on.
In regards to competence development the Department has a budget for competence development for TAP-employees. In addition there is a budget for VIP-employees participation in Congresses and Conferences.
The Committee discussed that it can be difficult to see the possibilities and the need for competence development. Language skills (English) was discussed and important, not all are comfortable speaking English. - Opsamling fra LSU-kursus drøftelse v/institutleder
Follow-up on Liaison Committee course in November /by Head of Department
How does the Committee want to continue to work with the learning from the course.
The Committee decided to wait until new members of the Committee have participated in the course for new members of Liaison Committee. - Highlights from LAMU, FAMU, FSU and HSU
Materiale fra møderne i Institut for Biomedicins arbejdsmiljøudvalg (LAMU) findes her.
Materiale fra møderne i Fakultetsarbejdsmiljøudvalget (FAMU) findes her.
Materiale fra møderne i Hovedarbejdsmiljøudvalget (HAMU) findes her.
Materiale fra møderne i Fakultetssamarbejdsudvalget (FSU) findes her.
Materiale fra møderne i Hovedsamarbejdsudvalget (HSU) findes her. - Eventuelt - AOB
The employees asked for – and in good time before moving into Bartholin – to get involved in the process – there are a lot of knowledge of do’s and dont’s from the moving to Skou-building.
Head of Department was positive about involvement the employees and hearing their experiences of moving to Skou-building.
The employees mentioned that they give consultation response (høringssvar) on an ongoing basis and within different themes. The employees never see what the management submits in this regards nor experience that there are any feedback on what is going to happen on basis on the consultation response.