Møde i Samarbejdsudvalget 15. december 2022

Participants: Thomas G. Jensen; Morten Schallburg Nielsen; Thomas Juhl Corydon; Ina Maria Schiessl; Rikke Nielsen; Bettina Winther Grumsen; Jani Kær; Esben Thorup Boel; Gitte Fynbo Biller; Erling Melchior Dammand; Ulla Vosegaard Als;
Cancellations from partipants:
Sâmia Joca; Bertha P. Beck Mortensen; Anne Flensborg; Agnete Larsen
Minute taker: HR Partner, Pia Lind Lunau Kristensen

  1. Godkendelse af dagsorden/Approval of agenda - by Head of Department
  2. Godkendelse af referat af møde 27. september 2022/Approval of minutes from the meeting 27th September 2022 - by Head of Department
    Head of Department informed that the management team have discussed and reconsidered the decision about Minutes in English. Head of Department has decided that the Minutes, also futurewise, will be in English.Gitte pointed out that she and several colleagues find it regrettable that the Minutes only will be in English.
  3. Orientering om økonomien/Financial statement - by Head of Department
    The Head of Department Informed about the budget for the Department and rent expenses and costs of moving to Bartholin.
    Head of Department informed about the figures in the appendix. The Department will probably have a deficit by end of 2022. Head of Department informed that DR4 is external funding which is in balance – and the overhead is higher than usual and that’s positive. The cost of salaries is stable, and the PhD cost are under redeployment.
    LSU discussed why the Department is going to contribute with a surplus. In the newsletter “NYT FRA UNIVERSITETSLEDELSEN nr. 36” the university’s financial challenges are described. Head of Department added that there may be differences between departments and the faculties, but at the end we are one University, and the budget must be in balance. The challenges will continue in 2023 for the university and for Department of Biomedicine expected until 2026 when the costs to relocation and renovation have been held. Head of Department discuss the economic challenges for Biomedicine with the Dean.The Committee discussed that the Master’s Degree Programmes, for some of the Degree Programmes, is suggested to be halved and the impact that it will have on the economy. Additionally, the number of students in some of the Degree Programmes will be reduced. Reduction in the study time is not expected to be a major issue at Health, but indirectly it may affect Biomedicine – since we are one University.
    Head of Department will ask the financial controller to participate at the next meeting.
  4. Arbejdspladsvurdering (APV), fysisk og psykisk – status/Workplace Assessment (WPA), Physical and psychological – status - by Head of Department
    Head of Department informed about all the initiatives mentioned in the email sent to all employees the 9th November 2022. The initiatives have been decided on the basis of the dialogue meeting at the Department and “The WPA working group’s” further work.
    The Committee discussed whether the initiative “Colleague of the Year” is an inclusive or exclusionary initiative. Head of Department took note of the comment and pointed out that it should be an award of doing something for others/colleagues and thus not related to own performance. The nomination process has therefore also not been decided yet.
    The Committee also discussed that one can find it exclusionary, possibly even offensive, if one as an employee at the department have the perception of not being good enough if you do not master English at a high level – at least orally.
    Head of Department informed that it is his perception that it works very well at the department and that there is a good understanding of finding a way, even though the language sometimes can be tricky.
  5. Retningslinjer for bibeskæftigelse/Guidelines for information on sideline employment – by HR
    https://medarbejdere.au.dk/administration/hr/rekruttering-og-ansaettelse/bibeskaeftigelse /
    https://medarbejdere.au.dk/en/administration/hr/recruitment-and-employment/sidelineemployment - we await instructions for registration in PURE.
    HR informed that the deadline for own registration is 1st March and then once a year. The Department has the control obligation.
    Head of Department welcomes the initiative in such way that it becomes more visible whether there are any conflicts of interest.
    HR encouraged to send questions if any.
  6. mitHR/new HR system – by HR
    By end of January the new HR system mitHR will be launched. You can read more here:
    Head of Department informed that the new system, will go live by 25nd January. As a member of the steering Committee and as Head of Department, he welcomes the system.
    HR informed that also the HR Department looks forward to go live. The new system gives a lot of new possibilities for Head of Department and the Secretariat to find all relevant information of own employees at the Department – incl. salaries and history of employment. All employees can see their own information, incl. employment history, salary as well as holiday and absence. In the long term, it is expected that union representatives will also have access to see salaries for the employees they represent.
    Head of Department added that MUS/SDD also will be a part of the new system – it is expected to go live before MUS/SDD in 2023.
    With mitHR the Head of Department will have easier and better access to relevant management information.
  7. Mødedatoer 2023/Meeting dates 2023 - by Head of Department
    The following dates are proposed for the Local Liaison Committee (LSU) meetings in 2023:
    21st February, 6th June, 19th September and 5th December 2023 – all booked via outlook
  8. Evaluering af LSU årshjulet for 2022, hvad ønsker I, at årshjulet for 2023 skal indeholde/Evaluation of the annual wheel for 2022, do you want the same annual wheel for 2023? - by Head of DepartmentThe Committee decided to continue with the same topics for the annual wheel 2023.
    HR informed that The Committee have not revised and approved the Rules of Procedure (forretningsorden) this year why this should be done at the first meeting in 2023.
  9. Årlige lønforhandlinger 2023/Annual salary negotiations 2023 - by Head of Department/HR
    In the period 1st February 2023–23rd February 2022 employees have the opportunity to provide information for use in the salary negotiations.
    The salary negotiations at the Department of Biomedicine are expected to take place in May 2023 (9th, 15th and 16th May). The Union Representatives are requested to book the dates in their own calendar. The outlook invitation from HR will follow March 2023.
    The frame for 2023 is up to 0,5% of the salary budget (the same as for 2022). The Senior Management Team (Universitetsledelsen) have decided that a special focus for 2023 is equal pay between genders.
  10. Highlights fra LAMU, FAMU samt FSU og HSU / Highlights from LAMU, FAMU and FSU and HSU
    The LSU members are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the minutes of the meetings.
    Material from meetings can be found:
    Local occupational health and safety committee (LAMU) can be found here.
    Faculty occupational health and safety committee (FAMU) can be found here.
    Main occupational health and safety committee (HAMU) can be found here.
    Faculty Liaison Committee (FSU) can be found here.
    Main Liaison Committee (HSU) can be found here.
  11. Eventuelt/AOB
    From the newsletter, October – Kilowhat can you do:
    “You already make a difference: Numbers from our Building Services shows that we are already making large savings on energy. Compared to the same time in 2019, we have used 40% less heat and 25% less electricity. This is good news, both for the energy costs and for our climate. Keep up the effort and make your local climate ambassadors aware, if you have any ideas for further reductions.”
    The Committee discussed that the numbers of savings by end of 2022 is at bit lower that estimated in the newsletter from October. It is still a fine result and the Ambassadors at Biomedicine did a great job.
    There are still some old refrigerators in use – some of these will be replaced with new ones. Building Services will follow up.
    Head of Department encouraged to continue to come up with ideas to save energy.
    Head of Department wished the Committee a merry Christmas and a happy new year – and thanked for the Committees effort in 2022.