Ph.d.-forsvar: Rasmus Pihl

Novel insights into the function and regulation of MASPs of the lectin pathway of complement

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Fredag 11. januar 2019,  kl. 13:00 - 15:00


Eduard Biermann (søauditorierne, 1252 - 204).

Fredag den 11. januar kl. 13.00 forsvarer Rasmus Pihl sin Ph.d.-afhandling med titlen: ”Novel insights into the function and regulation of MASPs of the lectin pathway of complement.”

Forsvaret er offentligt og finder sted i Eduard Biermann (søauditorierne, 1252 - 204).

Yderligere information:

Ph.d.-studerende Rasmus Pihl
tlf. +45 28 34 59 09

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