Mini Seminar

Invitation to Mini Seminar with two strong international scientists

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Torsdag 10. januar 2019,  kl. 10:00 - 12:00


Læsesalen, build. 1241, lok. 211


Institut for Biomedicin

Dear colleagues,

I hereby invite you to a mini seminar with two strong international scientists.   

Andrew Bowie, Professor of Innate Immunology, Biochemistry. Trinity College Dublin
Work in his laboratory has shed light on how pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) recognise pathogens, leading to the induction of interferons and cytokines, which control infection locally as well as coordinating the adaptive immune response. He also investigates how PRRs and other innate immune sensors drive inflammation, and discovered one of the key cellular sensors of DNA in 2010, IFI16, which has subsequently been shown to be critical in understanding viral pathogenesis of diverse viruses including HIV and herpes viruses. He has recently identified novel roles for a number of innate immune proteins in regulating inflammation via cytokine modulation, and is currently exploring their mechanisms of action. His seminal discoveries have redefined our understanding of how pathogens engage with human cells, and he has regularly published research papers, opinion pieces and reviews in leading international journals including Nature Immunology, Immunity, The Journal of Experimental Medicine, Nature Reviews Immunology, PNAS, PLoS Pathogens and The EMBO Journal.

Albena Dinkova-Kostova, Professor of Cellular Medicine. University of Dundee.
In 2007 Albena joined the Medical Research Institute, University of Dundee, Scotland as a Lecturer and Research Councils UK Academic Fellow. Her work is focused on the mechanism of induction of cytoprotective proteins through the Keap1/Nrf2 pathway, and the chemistry of inducers. Her publications have been highlighted in commentaries and attracted more than 10000 citations. She is the recipient of the 2011 Arthur C. Neish Young Investigator Award of the Phytochemical Society of North America.

I hope to see as many as possible.

Both of the above-mentioned lecturers are part of the PhD assessment committee for Anne Louise Hansen who will hold her defence later the same day.

Christian Holm