Membranes Seminar

Lecturer Dr. Markus Rinschen "Exploring the kidney’s bioactive metabolome"

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Tirsdag 13. december 2022,  kl. 12:15 - 13:15


Lille anatomisk auditorium (build. 1231, room 424)




The metabolome, the collection ofsmall-molecule chemical entitiesinvolved in metabolism, istraditionally used as source for biomarkers in the diagnosis and prediction of disease. However, the value of metabo[1]lome analysis has been redefined from a simple biomarker identification tool to a technology for the dis[1]covery of active drivers of biological processes. It is now clear that the metabolome affects cellular physi[1]ology through modulation of other 'omics' levels, including the genome, epigenome, transcriptome and proteome. The aim of our lecture is to illustrate recent progress in using metabolomics to understand how the metabolome influences other omics and, by extension, to reveal the active role of metabolites in phys[1]iology and disease (1). To illustrate this, we will use kidney disease as an example. The kidneys play an underappreciated role in maintaining human metabolism. Recent clinical landmark studies have shown that changes in kidney function and metabolism, such as inhibition of sugar transport, are effective to treat kidney disease in human. However, the mechanisms of metabolic kidney protection are still unclear despite many potential mechanisms have been suggested with good evidence. Emerging data, including own work, has suggested that intrarenal metabolism is a key driver of kidney disease also in hypertension (2). Using lysine metabolism as an example (3), we will demonstrate how chemical cues modify the basic fea[1]tures of kidney metabolism – and ultimately prevent or even reverse the disease. The concept of utilizing metabolomics to identify biologically active metabolites- which we term activity metabolomics-is already having a broad impact on our understanding of kidney biology.
1) Rinschen et al., Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol, 2019; (2) Rinschen et al., Sci Signal, 2019; (3) Rinschen et al., Nat Comm, 2022 B

Host: Prof. Jens Leipziger

If you would like a sandwich and a drink, please sign up via this link before Friday, December 9 at 12 noon.

Søren Brandt Poulsen
Administrative Research Theme Coordinator