Lecture by director Teng-Leong Chew

Imaging Across Biological Length Scales with the Emerging Frontiers in Microscopy. Teng-Leong Chew, PhD, is a director of the Advanced Imaging Center (AIC) at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Janelia Research Campus

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Mandag 19. juni 2023,  kl. 10:15 - 14:00

After the talks, Dr. Chew will meet one on one with interested PIs /students to discuss imaging projects and opportunities for visiting the Advanced Imaging Center.
There are still a few seats left on the subsequent analysis course 20 22th of June. Please contact Professor Lene N. Nejsum ASAP to secure a time slot for PI meetings or sign up
for the analysis course (PhD/post doc /VIP)