Biomedicine Seminar

Lecturers: Johan Vad Nielsen: Præsentation af sekventeringscore på MOMA; Lin Lin: præsentation af single-cell sekventeringsfaciliteter på Biomed

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Onsdag 3. november 2021,  kl. 12:00 - 12:00


Ll. Anatomisk Aud. and zoom ID no 61821986875



Johan Vad-Nielsen who heads the NGS Core at MOMA will present the sequencing core and explain the various next-generation sequencing services they can offer.

Associate Professor Lin Lin from our department will present The Single Cell OMICS Scientific Consortium (AU-SCOMICS) and the 10x single-cell sequencing platform.

The two talks are 20 min followed by 10 minutes of discussion, each, for a total of 1 hr.


It is possible to sign-up for a free sandwich, if you follow this link:

 Please note the deadline for sandwich sign-up is Monday the 1st of November.


The Biomedicine Organising Committee

Mikkel Vendelbo
Line Reinert
Søren Egedal Degn
Martin Kristian Thomsen