Biomedicine Seminar

Abhishek Banerjee, D.Phil., Marie Curie Fellow, NARSAD Young Investigator, Brain Research Institute, University of Zürich, Switzerland will give a talk entitled: "Neural dynamics underlying adaptive decision-making in health and brain disorders"

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Tirsdag 27. november 2018,  kl. 12:00 - 13:00


The Biochemistry lecture hall, build. 1170, room 347



Perceptual decision-making involves multiple cognitive maps across distributed brain areas. It is less clear which brain regions are essential and how changes in neural coding flexibly re-maps with altered stimulus-reward contingency altering animal's adaptive behaviour. In this talk, I will highlight one such circuit mechanism and present evidence of cognate neural correlates of flexible decision-making. Based on this, I will also argue for a new conceptual framework based on computational psychiatry to understand pathophysiology in complex neurological brain disorders. 


Talks will be of 45 minutes duration followed by 15 minutes of discussion.


It is possible to sign up for coffee and cake before 26 November 2018.

The Biomedicine Seminar Organizing Committee
Line Reinert
Martin Thomsen
Søren Degn
Mikkel Vendelbo