Årsmøde - inflammationsnetværket

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Torsdag 11. november 2021,  kl. 08:30 - 18:00


AIAS Auditorium (1632-201), Aarhus University


On November 11, the Inflammation Network hosts its inaugural ‘Inflammation Network Day’.

Join us for a day of outstanding talks bridging basic and clinical research in inflammation.


The program features excellent keynotes on infection immunology, tumor immunology, autoimmunity and COVID pathogenesis, and numerous talks from experts Aarhus University.


Please register for the event no later than 28 October 2021: https://events.au.dk/inflammationnetworkday2021/signup 


Keynote speakers:

·         Professor Niels Ødum, LEO Foundation Skin Immunology Research Center, University of Copenhagen

·         Dr. Marco Donia, Center for Cancer Immunotherapy, Herlev Hospital

·         Professor Alexandre Belot, Université of Lyon, France

·         Dr. Randi Jacobsen Bertelsen, University of Bergen, Norway


The Inflammation network at Aarhus University focuses on reducing the burden of infectious and inflammatory diseases caused by pathogens, damaged cells, toxic compounds or radiation in order to develop new diagnostic and treatment technologies.

For more information, see programme.

Learn more about the Inflammation Network at the faculty’s website